Pizza Bianca Romana 🌱 Roman White Pizza

Rome is famous for its pizza in teglia which is a pizza baked in a rectangular tray (teglia in Italian) and cut into squared slices. The 2 most classic versions are the pizza rossa (with tomato sauce only) and pizza bianca (plain white with no tomato sauce).

Here you'll learn to prepare homemade pizza bianca which is very versatile. You can simply enjoy it as it is, use it as bread, or split it and stuff it with ingredients of your choice.

What Romans love to stuff their pizza bianca with. The #1 filling is with mortadella and locals call this very traditional dish pizza con la mortazza. Cut the pizza bianca in half and add slices of mortadella ... as simple as that! Then, at the end of summer, we love to have pizza bianca with fresh figs and prosciutto crudo. 🥰

Use the basic pizza dough and cut out a portion of dough depending on the size of your baking pan.

The amount of dough. Here you need a scale! If you want to prepare the pizza in a medium-sized pan (about 30 x 40 cm / 11.8 x 15.7 in), divide the dough into portions of about 600 g (21.2 oz). In Italy, we use a specific formula to calculate the amount of dough needed for a baking pan (square or rectangular). The formula can only be used with centimeters and grams and it's Base x Height / 2. First multiply the base by the height of the pan (ex. 30 cm x 40 cm = 1200). Then divide the result by 2 (1200 / 2 = 600 g). So for a 30 cm x 40 cm baking pan you need 600 g of dough.

Then stretch out the dough in a greased baking tray and leave it to rest for about 30 minutes.

Look at how it's made!

Roman White Pizza (English).pdf
Pizza Bianca Romana (Italiano).pdf
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